A reader in the Czech Republic wrote this morning and asked whether today is the day the EU’s new relaxed visa policies come into effect. He was quite right: as of January 1, 2011, citizens of Bosnia and Albania will no longer need visas to enter the Schengen Area.
The same privileges were granted to Macedonia, Serbia, and Montenegro a year ago, so that there are now five additional Balkan countries whose citizens may travel freely in the continental portion of the EU. The “nation” of Kosovo is expected to be granted the same status in the near future.
What does this signify for the Islamization of the rest of Europe?
Let’s take a look at the demographics of the region that will enjoy newly unfettered access to the Schengen Area. Assuming that Kosovo will eventually join the club — which seems likely — here are statistics for the relevant countries, using 2004 population data from my database:
Country | Population | # Muslims | Pct | |||
Albania | 3,563,112 | 2,494,178 | 70% | |||
Bosnia | 4,025,476 | 1,610,190 | 40% | |||
Macedonia | 2,045,262 | 613,578 | 30% | |||
Serbia * | 10,829,175 | 2,274,126 | 21% | |||
Total | 20,463,025 | 6,992,072 | 34% |
* Includes Montenegro and Kosovo, which were still part of Serbia in 2004.
So about seven million new Muslims will be able to walk across the borders of the EU and disappear into the no-go zones along with the millions of legal and illegal immigrants who are already there.
Even if you are a Tiny Minoritarian (that is, someone who maintains that jihad-minded zealots are only a “tiny minority” of the Muslim population), that number should give you pause. Say 5% of the Muslims in the new visa-free zone decide to walk across the borders and disappear into the halal areas of Oslo or Rotterdam. Additionally, let’s say that a only tiny minority of 1% of those new migrants have jihad on their minds. That’s 3,500 new mujahideen, safely ensconced in the heart of Europe and drawing on state benefits to finance their jihad.
Whether they are of the Taimour Abdulwahab al-Abdaly variety, or more like Anjem Choudary, they will create a new security nightmare for the already overburdened law enforcement agencies and state-intelligence organs throughout Western Europe.
What countries will these visa-free visitors have access to?
The Schengen Area includes all of the European Union with the exception of Britain and Ireland, plus the non-EU countries Switzerland, Norway, and Iceland. Here’s the full list of member states:
Austria | Greece | Netherlands | ||
Belgium | Hungary | Norway | ||
Czech Republic | Iceland | Poland | ||
Denmark | Italy | Portugal | ||
Estonia | Latvia | Slovakia | ||
Finland | Lithuania | Slovenia | ||
France | Luxembourg | Spain | ||
Germany | Malta | Sweden | ||
Switzerland |
Our Czech reader is concerned that the Bosnian and Macedonian Muslims might migrate mainly to affluent Slavic nations in Central Europe, such as his own country. Their native languages are closely related to other Slavic languages, so that it would be easier for them to acclimate themselves to their new booty-rich Slavic kuffar environment.
Imagine Wenceslas Square in Prague filled with praying Muslims like those in Paris and Moscow.
Yes, Poland, Slovakia, and the Czech Republic definitely have food for thought today.
Out of curiosity, I queried the news feed archives to find as many articles as I could that discuss the expansion of visa-free access to the Schengen Area. They extend back to May 2009; I’ve included them below. All but one are from the ANSAmed news service, which is invaluable for information about issues such as this one — the Legacy Media simply don’t pay that much attention.
You’ll notice one of the conditions imposed on the new candidates is “transparency” — a quality that is notably absent from the European Union, which is one of the most opaque institutions on the planet.
There are other tidbits worth remarking on, but I’ll let readers discover them for themselves.

EU, Visa Liberalisation is a Concrete Prospect
(ANSAmed) — BRUSSELS, MAY 25, 2009 — The European Commission is convinced that visa-free travel in the Schengen Area for citizens from Albania, Bosnia Herzegovina, Montenegro, Serbia and Kosovo will soon be possible. The Commission in Brussels announced that it had today delivered to the 27 member states its assessments on how the five Balkan states were proceeding on the implementation of the required measures. “I am very satisfied by the efforts made by countries in the region to implement the stages of the roadmap and their excellent cooperation,” said Commission Vice President Jacques Barrot and commissioner ad interim for Justice. “I am confident that visa-free travel for all western Balkan states is a concrete prospect”. During the first quarter of 2009, the Commission carried out 15 missions, three in each country in which experts from member states participated, and four meetings, one for each key area (document security, border management, public order and security, external relations and fundamental rights). As for the contents, the Commission will publish information between June 4 and 5, on the occasion of the next Justice and Internal Affairs Ministerial Council which will take place in Luxembourg, explained a press officer from the EU Council. According to a document published on the European Stability Initiative website, which anticipates the contents of the Commission’s report, only Macedonia will result as meeting the benchmarks, Serbia and Montenegro will meet most of the benchmarks, Albania and Bosnia Herzegovina will be lagging behind and Kosovo will not be classified. (ANSAmed).

EU Council — Visa-Liberalisation Possible in 2009
(ANSAmed) — LUXEMBOURG, JUNE 15, 2009 — The EU Council on Foreign Relations, “is encouraging the European Commission to present” a legislative proposal, “as soon as possible, in order to create a liberalised visa system, ideally before the end of 2009.” The Council met today in Luxembourg, and the Western Balkan countries concerned are Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, the Republic of Macedonia, Montenegro and Serbia, all of whom will have had to fulfil the EU Schengen criteria. Following a report by the Commission on the progress made in each country, the Council called on the 5 states involved to push ahead and carry out the reforms necessary, emphasising that “it is important that all countries concerned reach the objective of visa liberalisation on their own merits.” (ANSAmed)

EU: Visa Abolition Proposal, Macedonia, Montenegro and Serbia
(ANSAmed) — BRUSSELS, JULY 15, 2009 — The EU Commission has today proposed visa abolition for citizens from the former republic of Yugoslavia of Macedonia, Montenegro and Serbia. A similar proposal for citizens of Albania and Bosnia has conversely been postponed. If the proposal is accepted by the Member States in October in consultation with the European Parliament, citizens of Macedonia, Montenegro and Serbia will be able to freely travel with new biometric passports in the Schengen area (all EU Member States with the exceptions of Great Britain and Ireland, plus Switzerland, Norway and Iceland) from 1 January 2010. “It is a historic step in relations between the EU and western Balkan states,” said the EU Commissioner for Justice, Jacques Barrot. “It is great news for citizens from these three countries who will be able to travel without queuing at embassies and spending money on visas and translations,” added EU Commissioner for Enlargement, Olli Rehn, underlining in particular the benefits of the new system for the free movement of students and businesspeople. The proposal for Albania and Bosnia and Herzegovina, announced the two commissioners, could be presented by the Commission by mid-2010, if the two countries maintain the pace of reforms in order to respect the requirements. “Our new common aim is that Albania and Bosnia can quickly follow their three neighbouring countries,” said Rehn. “We don’t want to make them wait too long,” added Barrot. Areas that are affecting Albania’s and Bosnia and Herzegovina’s chances for visa abolition regard the fight against corruption and organised crime, the management of immigration and borders and a lack of biometric passports. “The issue is in the hands of the two countries’ leaders,” said Rehn, pointing out that the timetable will depend on reform progress. In particular in Bosnia, the commissioner pointed out, political leaders have “lost time in nationalist rhetoric, instead of making the progress required”. Kosovo is also missing from today’s proposal, but for reasons that are “technical, relating to the country’s security”, which is still not fulfilling the conditions of UN Security Council Resolution 1244. (ANSAmed).

Albania-Bosnia: Rehn, Strict Rules on Abolition of Visas
(ANSAmed) — BRUSSELS, OCTOBER 22, 2009 — “We must be responsible and guarantee a credible and rigorous selection process, also because that is the only way to convince the EU interior ministers of the reliability and security” of the countries for which the liberalisation of visas in the Schengen area has been proposed. European Commissioner for Enlargement Olli Rehn said this to explain the exclusion of Bosnia and Herzegovina and Albania from the list of countries for which visas will no longer be needed as of January 2010, in the context of a conference organised in Brussels by the European Policy Center. According to the Commission, these two countries are not ready yet, unlike Macedonia, Serbia and Montenegro, “which have done their homework”. “When Bosnia and Albania will comply with the required criteria, we will present a proposal for these countries as well” said Rehn, “but we will not punish countries which have done a good job”. Regarding Bosnia, “now we are concerned how the current political deadlock created by the country’s leaders will be broken” the commissioner added, “and how the country will become a credible candidate to join the EU and NATO”, which it is not at the moment. (ANSAmed).

EU: EP: Schengen Opening for 3 Balkan Countries December 19
(ANSAmed) — BRUSSELS, NOVEMBER 12, 2009 — There has been a turnaround for the citizens of Macedonia, Serbia and Montenegro, who will be able to travel freely in the Schengen Area (all of the EU member countries except for the UK and Ireland, plus Switzerland, Norway and Iceland) beginning from December 19. This was the commitment assumed by the European parliament and the council in a shared policy declaration voted on today during a plenary meeting of European representatives in Brussels. It will now be up to the Justice Council on November 30 to give the final go-ahead for December 19. Another chapter is that of Bosnia Herzegovina and Albania for which the European institutions make an appeal “that all efforts to respect all of the criteria mentioned in the roadmap for adhesion appear”. The hope is that Tirana and Sarajevo will be able to obtain the same regime of waivers from July 2010, but “it is up to the politicians of Albania and Bosnia Herzegovina to focus on the requisites” explained Tania Fajon, the European representative and relater of the report on the liberalisation of visas for the Western Balkans. Once the necessary steps have been taken, the shared declaration provides that the modification is recognised with “urgency” by the European parliament and the council so that the procedure “will be rapid” Fajon said. Regarding Kosovo, the relater stressed the importance that the parliament begins dialogues on visas so that there will not be “a black hole in the Balkans”. (ANSAmed).

EU: Schengen Opens to Serbs, Montenegrins and Macedonians
(ANSAmed) — BRUSSELS, NOVEMBER 30, 2009 — As of December 19 Serbs, Montenegrins and Macedonians will feel closer to Europe, in a tangible manner, in their everyday lives. They will be able to travel in the Schengen area (all EU Member States except for Great Britain and Ireland, plus Switzerland, Norway and Iceland) without a visa: a simple biometric passport will suffice. The final approval, which was eagerly expected by Belgrade, Podgorica and Skopje, was decided today by the meeting of Interiors in Brussels. EU Commisioner for enlargement Olli Rehn stated that “this is a great day when the announcement was made in a press conference with Serbian president Boris Tadic and EC vice president Jacques Barrot. Barrot explained that “We are proud of offering the chance, especially to the youth of these countries, of being able to travel this Christmas without having to request a visa”. “This is the beginning of a new era”, said Tadic, who believes that today “represents a key moment ahead of the full integration of the entire region into the EU. Not only is it a great day for Serb citizens, but for all those of former Yugoslavia, including the people of Kosovo, who will be soon able to benefit from the new visa conditions”. In being the first to meet the objective in 2009, Serbia, Macedonia and Montenegro will act as forerunners for other countries in the western Balkans, especially Bosnia and Albania, who should meet the necessary requisites by the end of 2010. Of course, allowing Serb citizens to travel freely in Europe does not imply admitting Belgrade to the group of 27, but Tadic believes that the elimination of visas represents a key moment in this direction, aside from a tangible result for the government: todays decision was not a gift, but the result of hard work carried out in a short time, considering that the road map started in 2008”. “There is no better way of promoting European values in our region than that of allowing free access to Europe to our youth” is what ANSAmed was told by Slavica Milacic, Montenegros ambassador to the EU, who also sees the elimination of visas as an incentive for entrepreneurs to strengthen trade with Europe. But above all Milacic sees todays events as a tangible sign of the European outlook and a credible EU policy of enlargement, which keeps our governments under check and committed compared to a general agenda of reform. Barrot stated that In this sense, the elimination of visas represents an encouraging signal, but we need to keep pressing to meet the conditions for admittance in terms of the judicial, the respect of European values, and human rights. (ANSAmed)

EU: End of Visas Pleases Serbia, Montenegro and Macedonia
(ANSAmed) — BELGRADE, DECEMBER 18, 2009 — From midnight tonight visa requirement for visitors from Serbia, Montenegro and Macedonia to the Schengen area will be abolished. Ahead of the coming into force of the new regime, the interior ministers of the three affected countries have issued a joint communiqué of celebration with their citizens. “With the abolition of the visa requirement, our citizens can now enjoy freedom of movement, thus confirming their membership of the European family”, the three ministers, Ivica Dacic (Serbia), Ivan Brajovic (Montenegro) and Gordana Jankulovska (Macedonia) said. Press agencies are reporting that the ministers have expressed their hope that citizens of Bosnia and of Albania “will have EU support for the freeing of their visa regimes as soon as possible”.(ANSAmed).

Bosnia: EU: Moratinos Announces No Need for Visas After June
(ANSAmed) — SARAJEVO, APRIL 8, 2010 — In June the European Union will be announcing that it is lifting visa requirements for Bosnian nationals, stated Spanish Foreign Minister Miguel Moratinos yesterday in Sarajevo. Spain is the current holder of the EU presidency. The announcement — said Moratinos, who since Tuesday has been in Bosnia along with US Deputy Secretary of State James Steinberg — will be made during the EU-Balkans conference in Sarajevo at the beginning of June. “The time has come,” said the Spanish minister, “for important decisions and the conditions for advancing Bosnia’s bid for EU and NATO membership. The US and the EU came to Bosnia together to convey a message of support, solidarity, and hope, as well as one of responsibility.” On Tuesday in Sarajevo, Moratinos and Steinberg met with the tripartite presidency and the High Representative for the International Community Valentin Inzko, while yesterday — in separate meetings — they visited the leaders of the seven main Bosnian parties. To the latter they again encouraged the speeding up of the reforms requested by the international community to give the country a better functioning structure. Local leaders, however, are not at the moment — six months before the general elections — willing to deal constitutional reforms, on which differences of opinion remain between Serbs, Croats and Muslims. The lifting of visa requirements for Schengen-area countries — a measure for which, according to Security Minister Sadik Ahmetovic, Bosnia has fulfilled all the conditions laid down by Brussels — is much awaited by the population, especially after last December when the measure was brought in for the citizens of Serbia, Montenegro and Macedonia.(ANSAmed).

EU: Towards Visa Liberalisation Albania and Bosnia
(ANSAmed) — BRUSSELS, MAY 26, 2010 — Albanians and Bosnians are a step closer to the abolishment of visas for the Schengen area. After the green light in December for the citizens of Serbia, Montenegro and Macedonia, the European Commission has prepared to do the same for Albania and Bosnia. The recommendation will be presented tomorrow by European Commissioner for Home Affairs, Cecilia Malmstrom. According to sources in Brussels, the decision of the European Commission depends on the capacity of the two countries to satisfy a series of conditions. The Member States and the European Parliament will take a decision on the question. (ANSAmed)

EU: Albania Visas Abolition; A Dream Come True, Berisha
(ANSAmed) — TIRANA, MAY 27, 2010 — “An old dream of ours has come true. Today is a historic day for all Albanian citizens”. This was the reaction of the country’s Prime Minister, Sali Berisha, to a proposal announced at midday by the European Commission in Brussels, to abolish visas for citizens of Albania and Bosnia Herzegovina with biometric passports in the Schengen area of free circulation. “This decision is the result of hard work and of this government’s promise to undertake all necessary reforms to fit in with the criteria of Brussels,” Berisha said. The proposal by the European Commission is conditional, however, for Albania and Bosnia Herzegovina, with both countries still needing to meet three criteria, chiefly concerning the fight against corruption and organised crime. “I guarantee all member states that all three criteria will be addressed with the utmost commitment and application by the government,” Berisha promised. (ANSAmed).

EU: Visa Abolition for Albania, Bosnia Gets First Approval
[Undated, about May 27, 2010]
(ANSAmed) — BRUSSELS — The Balkans have set another step towards European integration. The year 2010 should be the end of the need for visas for Albanian and Bosnian citizens who travel within the Schengen area (all EU member States except the UK and Ireland, plus Switzerland, Norway and Iceland). This decision was already taken for the citizens of Serbia, Macedonia and Montenegro in December 2009. The proposal was launched today by the European Commission, which underlined that Tirana and Belgrade still have to meet three requirements, mainly regarding the fight against corruption and organised crime. “This proposal is the result of hard work, which still has to be completed”, said European Commissioner for Home Affairs Cecilia Malmstrom. According to the timeframe, this summer a mission of the European Commission will assess if Albania and Bosnia have met the requirements. After that the member States and European Parliament will be informed. A decision may be taken as soon as this autumn. After the alarm early this year when hundreds of Serbs and Macedonians asked for asylum, mainly in Belgium and Sweden, now the European Commission also dedicates much attention to communication. “This freedom” the European Commissioner added, “would come with responsibility. So I encourage national authorities in Albania and Bosnia and Herzegovina to continue informing their citizens about the rights and obligations stemming from short-term visa-free travel. We will continue to monitor the situation, as we already do with Serbia, Macedonia and Montenegro”. The Albanian and Bosnian ambassadors in Brussels are optimistic. They think that their goal will be reached this year, despite the crisis on political level. “The required conditions” explained Mimoza Halimi, Albanian ambassador to the EU, “will be met by this summer: they are technical and concrete conditions. Albania has to break the political stalemate, respect the constitutional State, the constitution and the principle of transparency”. Also according to Osman Topcagic, ambassador of Bosnia and Herzegovina to the EU, the political situation will not make it impossible to respect the requirements set by the European Commission. “These tasks are part of a plan of action” said Topcagic, “which should be completed before the start of July. At that moment we expect the arrival of the EC monitoring commission, which will confirm that we have done our work”. Kosovo should be the next in the process of visa abolition for the Balkans. “There are still some requirements that have to be met”, said the European Commissioner for Home Affairs, “and we are working closely together with the Kosovar authorities, so that the whole Western Balkan area can benefit from the same treatment”. (ANSAmed).

Italy-Albania: Visa Abolition, Berisha Thanks Maroni
(ANSAmed) — TIRANA, SEPTEMBER 9, 2010 — Tirana thanks Italy and Interior Minister Roberto Maroni for their efforts for the liberalisation of visas for Albanians, said Albanian Premier Sali Berisha today during his meeting in Tirana with Italian chief of police Antonio Manganelli.
Italy was one of the European countries to strongly support the abolition of the need for a visa for Albanian citizens who want to visit the Schengen area. Albania and Bosnia are now waiting for the approval by the European Union this autumn. Manganelli has also had a meeting with Albanian Interior Minister Lulzim Basha, with whom he has discussed the ongoing joint Italian-Albanian efforts against the trafficking of drugs and weapons and for the arrest of fugitives.
“The underlying theme of the activities of the Department of Public Security in the Balkans is the economic impoverishment of mafia organisations”, said the chief of police. He underlined that “the goal is to stamp out any trafficking by criminal associations, both stopping their investments in Albania and their illegal commercial practices”.(ANSAmed).

EU Scraps Visa Requirements for Albania and Bosnia
[Undated, about Nov. 9, 2010]
Albania and Bosnia are soon to join other Balkan countries in enjoying visa-free travel to the European Union, EU interior ministers announced Monday. The ministers also discussed plans to tighten air cargo security.
Interior ministers of the European Union’s 27 member states unanimously agreed on Monday to eliminate visa requirements for citizens of Albania and Bosnia-Herzegovina.
Under the agreement, Albanians and Bosnians with biometric passports would be able to travel to the 25 EU nations in the border-free Schengen zone, which excludes Ireland and the United Kingdom, for up to three months.
The decision came after France, Germany and the Netherlands expressed concerns that there could be an increase in unfounded asylum claims from the two countries.
The EU got rid of visa requirements for Serbia, Montenegro and Macedonia late last year, apparently leading to an influx of asylum seekers from Serbia and Macedonia.
European Commission could roll back decision
The ministers stipulated that the European Commission could “propose the suspension of visa-free travel” if it felt that citizens of the two countries were abusing the system.
“It is of the utmost importance that Albania and Bosnia-Herzegovina continue to intensify their information campaign with the aim to properly explain to their citizens the meaning of short-term visa-free travel,” Cecilia Malmstrom, EU commissioner for home affairs, said in a statement. “A visa-free regime also comes with responsibilities.”
Malmstrom said the European Parliament and the bloc’s member states must still approve the proposal, and that it could enter into force as early as mid-December.
It would leave Kosovo, whose independence is not recognized by all EU states, as the only Balkan country without visa-free travel in the EU.
Both Bosnia and Albania hope to join the EU, but face years of tough democratic reforms before they will likely be able to do so…”

EU: No More Visas From Albania and Bosnia, Council’s OK
(ANSAmed) — BRUSSELS, NOVEMBER 8, 2010 — Albanians and Bosnians will be allowed to enter EU countries without visas. The decision was reached unanimously by the European Interior Ministers. Citizens from Albania and Bosnia Herzegovina will, however, need to be in possession of biometric passports. The European Commission, has formally committed itself to monitoring the migratory patterns from the two Balkan countries towards the EU. In case of anomalies, restrictive measures can be requested from the governments of Albania and Bosnia Herzegovina. The liberalisation measure should be in force by the end of December.
The opportunity to enter the Schengen area without visas will be allowed for stays of up to three months.
The decision by the Council of European Interior Ministers was officially taken unanimously yet, it has emerged that some countries, including Germany, France and the Netherlands, expressed doubts on the capabilities of Albania and Bosnia in terms of border control, the safety of biometric passports (documents containing electronic figure that in theory cannot be forged) and the fight against people-trafficking.
In December 2009, a liberalisation of visas similar to that bestowed upon Albania and Bosnia was decided in favour of the citizens of Serbia, Macedonia and Montenegro. In the following months, Germany, Sweden, Belgium and the Netherlands all faced a high influx of migrants from Albanian-language speakers and ethnic Roma asking for political asylum.
In order to prevent a repeat of the phenomenon, the European Commission has promised to monitor migratory patterns, and results could herald a return for Albania and Bosnia on to the so-called “negative list”, the list of countries whose citizens must obtain a visa in order to gain access to the Schengen area.
In light of the discovery of parcel bombs destined for the United States that have been intercepted over the last few days in Great Britain and in Dubai, the agenda of the Council of European Interior Ministers also includes discussions on security measures to be taken over cargo flights coming from Yemen and Greece. (ANSAmed).