Our Bulgarian correspondent RR sends this follow-up to
last week’s story about the raid on the Bulgarian Jihadis, with translations from various sites accompanied by his analysis:
We were warned some time ago by a very well informed person namely the Israeli foreign minister regarding those activities.
The reaction of the Islamic community was typical: leaders of the ethnic Turkish party immediately accused the state organs involved of denigrating Islam, intimidation of Islamic communities, etc., etc. — it seems that speaking on behalf of the Freedoms and Liberties Movement (this the ethnic Turkish party) and the CAIR people, Anjem Choudhary, etc. are reading from the same manual:
08 October 2010 Sofia. “Bulgaria wins nothing from the attempts to discover radicalism where there is no radicalism. We will stand hard against any intentions to denigrate the Muslim community in this country with radicalism” —declared Aliosman Imamov from the parliamentary group of the Freedom and Liberties Movement. He read a Declaration by the group that goes on to say: “The actions of the Prosecution, National Security Agency and the police only provoked anxiety and tension in the regions involved and throughout the Muslim community in Bulgaria… Such actions never bring up any conclusive evidence, that’s why the Muslims in Bulgaria accept them more as a method of intimidation…. There is a feeling that Muslims in this country are treated as aliens. But NO ONE HAS THE RIGHT TO INSULT THE MUSLIMS.”
The useful idiots among Bulgarian journalists also tend to replicate (in miniature) their counterparts in the mainstream USA/European media:
This is not an operation against radical Islam, this is an attack on all Islam in Bulgaria. Somebody seems to be very interested in undermining the stability in this country, using the Police and the National Security Agency as a proxy. (Editorial Comment in Bg Times).
Who could be this somebody? The information portal www.dir.bg didn’t hesitate to accompany the news of the busted Islamic network with an anonymous “reader’s comment” selected by the editors:
Don’t you feel this is a very cunning provocation? Maybe they (the Government) want to bring the Yankee soldiers here with the excuse of Islamic threat…
My poor small and old (1300 years old) country. The Turkish juggernaut is very close. In fact, its wheel is now overshadowing Bulgaria.