While North America’s shrinking commitment to its free-speech inheritance is shameful, in many parts of Europe it’s even worse. Like Geert Wilders, like Lars Hedegaard, like Ezra Levant, Elisabeth Sabaditsch-Wolff should not be on trial. Let’s help her get a bit more media attention.
Many thanks, Mr. Steyn!
We need a nice Johnny Cochran-style rhyming motto for the entire group. How about:
If we do not submit, then they must acquit!
Two new participants joined Elisabeth’s Voice today, Western Rifle Shooters Association and Andy Bostom. The full list of participants has grown so long, I’ve put it below the jump:
- Tundra Tabloids
- Europe News
- Politically Incorrect
- The International Civil Liberties Alliance
- Vlad Tepes
- Gates of Vienna
- 1389
- Mark Steyn
- Lawrence Auster
- Infidel Bloggers Alliance
- 180grader
- Diana West
- Hodjas Blog
- Patriot's Corner
- Right Side News
- Eticha
- Atlas Shrugs
- Jihad Watch
- Yid With Lid
- Citizen Warrior
- Tasty Infidelicacies
- Het Vrije Volk
- summer patriot, winter soldier
- Here’s The Right Side Of It
- Irate, Tireless Minority
- Behind The Black
- The Blogmocracy
- ACT! For America
- Right Wing Death Bogan
- Winds of Jihad
- Western Rifle Shooters Association
- Andrew Bostom
Contributors to Elisabeth's defense fund should visit the Save Free Speech site. The fund is not under her control, and disbursements from it will be made solely to pay her legal fees.
International payments:
Raiffeisen Zentralbank Österreich
IBAN: AT513150042908021602
Made out to: Public Notary Mag. Martin Scheichenbauer, Hemmaweg 5, A-9342 Gurk
Previous posts about the hate speech case against Elisabeth Sabaditsch-Wolff: