This clip is from a typical left-media perspective, and regular Gates of Vienna readers won’t learn anything new from it. However, watching it is instructive, because the tone of breathless alarm — designed to convey to viewer the urgent danger from those Islamophobic German nationalists — indicates how terrified the MSM and the European establishment are of the various anti-Islamization movements:
I watched this report after writing my post about the EDL and the middle class, and it made me realize how much England needs its own version of Thilo Sarrazin: a respected public figure — a banker and a Social Democrat, no less! — who writes a book decrying the destruction of his country and its cherished traditions.
No wonder he is giving the German oligarchs such indigestion — it’s very difficult to dismiss Thilo Sarrazin as a skinhead and a neo-Nazi. Oh, yes, they’re trying, all right — but it’s a hard job, and the majority of Germans aren’t buying it.
Hat tip: DF.