The SPÖ lost its absolute majority (at 6.16PM they’re at 44%) and the FPÖ are the only party to have increased their voting share: they are now the second party in electoral strength at 27.2%, up from 14%.
Strache has said the SPÖ must now hold talks with the FPÖ and that the FPÖ is quite open to this.
Whether or not there will be such a coalition between the two parties, the reality is that the FPÖ is now the official opposition party.
There are still postal ballots to be counted on Tuesday, but it is a different, and more promising, world in Europe with yet another party which supports national values and culture and is alert to the threat of Islamisation showing excellent gains.
Another Austrian contact sends this tally:
SPÖ 44% ÖVP 13% FPÖ 27% Greens 12%