Ham Gets a Reprieve in Spain

We reported last week about a Muslim schoolboy in Spain who was so traumatized by his teacher’s mention of ham that his parents filed a complaint with the police.

In a moment of sanity that has become all too rare in the West today, the local prosecutor in Spain has summarily thrown out the case. He even went so far as to criticize the abusive nature of the complaint. How long will such a racist Islamophobe be allowed to retain his office?

Here’s the report from The Olive Press:

Muslim ham complaint thrown out

A PROSECUTOR has thrown out a complaint made by a Muslim family against a geography teacher who mentioned pork in their son’s class.

The teacher was explaining how cold climate in Granada highlands helps to preserve local Serrano ham.

The Children’s Prosecutor of Algeciras, Juan Cisneros, described the complaining pupil’s attitude as ‘abusive, sectarian, capricious and inadmissible’ and ordered the denouncement to be archived.

He said: “There is not even the minimal indication of any type of crime.”

The prosecutor went on to condemn the media storm created by the pupil’s parents and their opponents. He described the public’s interest in the case as ‘worrying’.

Hat tip: Fjordman.