Mr. Sarrazin has now been repudiated and shunned by the oligarchs who manage the German state. However, his book is so popular that political leaders are twisting themselves into pretzels to try to tap into widespread anti-immigrant sentiment without abandoning multicultural orthodoxy.
Chancellor Angela Merkel is one of those who are trying to have it both ways: she spoke out against Multiculturalism, and then later affirmed the value of Islam in Germany. The latest step in her Sarrazin-induced dance was a recent summit on “integration”.
Many thanks to JLH for translating the following account from Politically Incorrect:
Integration Summit: Policeman Does Sarrazin
Since Thilo Sarrazin was not invited to the fourth integration summit, a Berlin police officer had to leap into the breach to represent the people’s voice. 47-year old Chief Inspector Christian Horn did that, apparently so convincingly that, after three hours of discussion, Chancellor Merkel singled him out by name from 120 participants from politics, science, public life, and immigration organizations.
BILD reports:[…]
In the process, Horn had talked about his job — as temporary leader of the work group on integration and immigration in Kreuzberg and Neukölln.
The policeman reported calmly to the circa 120 summit guests — among others. Interior Minister Thomas de Mazière, Family Minister Ursula von der Leven (both CDU), NRW-Chief Hannelore Kraft (SPD), DGB-Chief Michael Sommer — talking in plain language about his experience.
- Straight talk on violence: “Many children with a Turkish or Arabic immigration background grow up experiencing violence, especially in their own families. It is not surprising that many of them regard violence as a completely legitimate means of communication. … Physical violence all the way to severe or dangerous injury — to say nothing of verbal or psychic violence — is not unusual.”
- Straight talk on criminality: “Extortion and coercion in the school are just about the order of the day: we have even learned of cases of out-and-out enslavement of fellow students. This violence is directed against fellow students and occasionally against teachers.” The chief inspector described an experience at an elementary school in Kreuzberg: two children from Arabic extended families beat a Turkish-German fellow student so severely that he had life-long hearing impairment.
Later, through the combined persuasion of police and an immigrant group, the fathers of the two perpetrators are convinced to attend a school conference scheduled by several parties. When they see that most of the people in the room are women (school heads, teachers, policewomen) they are prepared to leave immediately — they see only “women.” [Instead of Frauen, the more perjorative Weiber in used. English has no equivalent word.] They do not leave only because the policeman present requests that they “stay if you please.” They accept only with ill will the school’s agreed upon measures.- Straight talk about downplaying: Incidents of violence were often downplayed in the family, or not dealt with. “In one case we know of, the parents’ dealing with the problem consisted of the child getting a beating.”
- Straight talk about women: Muslim students and their parents are deficient in recognizing the authority of female teaching personnel.
- Straight talk about hostility to Germans and about anti-Semitism: There are incidents of racism weekly, sometimes daily, especially among Arabic children. “Beginning with ‘Germanophobia.’ which we find in several schools, the spectrum runs to even more frequent anti-Semitic comments by Muslim students. Often openly during class.” The state of Israel’s right to exist is denied.
- Straight talk about Islam: “Islam is called upon as a justification or even a reason for anti-Semitism, violence or vilification against perceived infidels or such persons who according to the particular interpretation, are not good Muslims.” These students must be made to understand “that they have, to say the least, misunderstood, or completely failed to understand Islam.”
- Straight talk about youth employment: Communication and networking of all participating parties is essential “without vanity and thought of competition,” Horn said. Many youths “drift off into criminal milieus, others are taken in by the broadly laid-out youth work of mosque organizations, which are to be viewed with skepticism.” Schools are the only chance to advance integration.
Chief Inspector Horn spoke for a good ten minutes — and was much applauded. Chancellor Merkel praised him: “What Mr. Horn has told us is the real-life environment of many people. We must not distance ourselves from it. We must take ownership of these subjects, so that they are not appropriated by pied pipers.”
Whom do you suppose she meant by that?