Next… Blazing Cat Fur

It seems like I spend all my time posting appeals on behalf of Counterjihad activists who are being shut down, harassed, sued, or arrested, all because they dare to publish criticism of Islam and/or political correctness.

There ought to be a webserver dedicated solely to cases of repression of Islam-critical free speech on the internet. The site would need an enormous amount of hard drive capacity, plus special protection against DDOS attacks, given the current trends.

The list of targeted dissidents gets longer and longer. Some have already had their day in court — Dahn Pettersson, Tomashot, Gregorius Nekschot, Jussi Halla-aho, Susanne Winter, and others: all have now paid the jizyah and feel themselves subdued.

Some, too few, have won their cases: Mark Steyn and Ezra Levant come to mind. Geert Wilders has not yet won, but his case recently ran into some well-timed speed bumps and will be postponed for months.

Others have yet to have their day in court: Pamela Geller faces a $10 million lawsuit here in the USA, and Elisabeth Sabaditsch-Wolff will be tried in an Austrian court next month for “hate speech”.

And now Blazing Cat Fur, a well-known Canadian anti-jihad blog. The story of the absurd lawsuit that was recently brought against him is below. Scroll to the bottom for information on donating to his defense fund, or visit his blog.

I realize that everyone must be feeling tapped-out by now, but this onslaught against us will not abate; it can only intensify:

Richard Warman Sues Blazingcatfur For Linking To “Far Right” Mark Steyn

About 18 months ago everybody’s favourite Ex-Canadian Human Rights Commission employee Richard Warman launched one of his many, as in very many, SLAPP suits against yours truly for, among other dastardly deeds, linking to the “far-right web site”. Sheesh everybody knows Mark Steyn is controversial.

It gets better. I’m also being sued for linking to a web site while specifically referring to “the allegations” against Richard Warman. But what else would you expect from Warman, a man so tone deaf he actually believed he could win the support of both the CJC and B’nai Brith in a hate crime complaint against the JDL, who dared offend him by showing the Geert Wilders film “Fitna”.

Warman is also suing for comments made by multiple readers. In one instance for the heinous crime of calling him a “Bully”. We all know what this SLAPP suit is really all about. Warman is using every lawfare tactic he can to prevent a discussion in the public interest of Section 13 (1) and the CHRC. A discussion in which he must feature prominently.

Warman is suing me for $500,000.00 Dollars. A ridiculous amount for an equally ridiculous lawsuit. Nonetheless even nuisance suits such as this must be defended against. To date legal fees have run me about 10K. I’ve covered that from my own pocket. I am now asking for your help. I know times are hard for many of us but if every reader who visited daily were to contribute 5 or 10 dollars then that would go a long way to helping all of us out.

This is your fight too, well except for the lawyer stuff anyway;)

If you like this blog, if you like my efforts then please, if you can, make a small donation via Paypal by hitting the “Feed the Kitty” icon on the sidebar. If you don’t “do” the Paypal thing you can do an e-mail internet banking transfer sent to

Or… you may send a cheque by mail made payable to:

“Christopher Ashby in Trust”
Attn: Blazingcatfur defence fund
Suite 1013
8 King Street East
Toronto ON M5C 1B5