Tips for finding the perfect wedding lingerie

Weddings can generate frustrating feelings not only to the bride but also to the guests. They are continuously trying to figure out what to wear depending on the season, the hour of the wedding, the temperature outside, the type of wedding or the number of guests. All these details will influence the way you look in that special day.

The best option for a day or a night outfit is a long vaporous dress which can be accessorized with all kind of earrings, necklaces or bracelets. Remember: don’t put a bracelet on the hand you eat with and don’t accessorize the outfit to much. Avoid wearing a complete set of earrings, necklace and bracelet.

Try to remember that red dress, shoes, bag and nails doesn’t mean being assorted but being tasteless. Avoid wearing a white dress, something too flaring or sexy. Stay away also from short skirts.

Don’t take your job bag or a beach bag in the night. A clutch with or without a pair of braces is perfect for the occasion.

A bolero similar to the dress will keep you warm on chilly summer nights. You can also choose a silk scarf which can be pin down with a broach.

Avoid wearing a blouse or something which can seem too casual. Don’t use a black scarf if you wear a black dress because you will look as if you have just arrived from a funeral.

Weddings are beautiful, unique moments where you have the chance to look outstanding and be admired by everybody. So before choosing the perfect wedding outfit read the tips above and use your imagination. You will surely take the right decision.

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