Nayantara was quite frank in saying that an actress can seldom be good friends with her contemporaries

Not so long ago, in an interview with a popular television channel,Nayantara was quite frank in saying that an actress can seldom be good friends with her contemporaries, and jealousy is not the reason.

“No matter what is said, I must say quite honestly that it is very difficult for two heroines to be friends. It’s not that we are jealous of each other and spend our time envying each other. It’s just that the industry is like that.

We are all going after similar goals, so obviously, that sense of competition is there. But more than that, it’s the time factor. For two people to be friends, they have to spend time with each. Two stars may act in a movie together and while working in the same movie, might strike good friendship. But once the movie is over, each goes his or her own way.

Our schedules are so erratic we don’t have time to stay in touch. It takes quite a bit of effort,” admitted the beautiful Nayantara, who has had enough liasons, romantic and otherwise, to know how people and relationships within the industry work!