Watch Tamil Movie Naai Kutty Free Online Trailer,Naai Kutty Movie Review

Naai Kutty South Indian Movie 2009

The Story :
Naai Kutty movie is based on the story of a slum dweller. The film has been given this unusual name because according to the story the main lead of the film gets abandoned by his mother in a road side dust bin along with a group of puppies. A rickshaw peddler spots the baby, names him Naai Kutty and raises him Read More

Naai Kutty is an upcoming Tamil Film. The film 'Nai Kutty' has been christened with this unusual name because the hero the film, as the story goes, was abandoned by his mother in a road side dust bin along with a group of puppies.

A rickshaw peddler spots the baby, names him Naai Kutty and raises him. The life of this abandoned baby as he grows up in a merciless and cold world forms the rest of the story.
Naai Kutty is directed by S.S.Joe, and produced by V.A.Durai. Actress Nicole is the heroine. Many new comers are also part of this project.
Naai Kutty is the remake of a Kannada hit ‘Nanda loves Nanditha’, the story of a violent young man and his love affair.
The movie is expected in December 2009.

Naai Kutty Tamil Movie Songs
Adichu Potta - Mukesh
Jhonny Walker - Karna
Kadhalela Pengalukku - Krishnaraj
Kola Kolaya - Unni Krishnan, Roshini
Uthirathil - Madhu Balakrishnan
Yeppa Partheno - Sangeetha, Gandhi Kumar

Naai Kutty Movie Trailer